Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Compassionate Service

I absolutely LOVE this quote! It is so important to be the answer to someone else's prayers. We have great opportunities every day to see others needs and be their answer.

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Monday, December 7, 2009

Visiting Teaching

Yesterday was our special "Visiting Teaching Seminar" during Relief Society. Our Relief Society President spoke about how when she was called it made her think of the relationship between a mother hen and her chicks. She talked about how some hens don't have that nurturing relationship with her chicks, and how others when put in a confined space with chicks that were not hers, she would have the mothering kick in, and would take them under her wing. She compared that to visiting teaching, and how we can nurture those that are under our care. Then the Bishop spoke to us about our roles as women of the relief society. He read us a quote by Joseph Smith that is really amazing.
"You sisters, it is part of your nature to have charity. If you find you don't have it, you are fighting against your nature. God needs you to have it and will grant it to you. You must act according to the sympathies to which God has planted in your bosoms. If you live up to your privilege, the angels cannot be restrained from being your associates. How precious are your souls? The female part of community are apt to be contracted, in their views. You must not be contracted, but you must be liberal in your feelings. When you come home or enter into another's, never give a cross word, but let kindness, charity and love crown your works. Don't envy those who are sinning, but have mercy upon them. I bless you with the rejoicing of knowing you are God's daughters and Sisters to each other."
Then he broke it down. That the great blessing of charity, is given to each of us as women, and that fighting against it, is fighting our very nature! I know that at times, I struggle to be more charitable, and I must work harder so that I can follow more closely to my natural being. God NEEDS it from us, so he GIVES it to us. If we live up to it, we are promised angels to be with us. We are to be kind always, even when we don't really want to. And we are to have mercy on the sinners, and not envy them.
If we were to be more charitable as women in the Gospel, we would make sure to do our visiting teaching, even when it seems like we don't have the time, because we never know how much the sisters on our routes might need a visit from us. Even if it's an email, a phone call, text or an actual visit, they could feel our love, and through us feel the love of our Heavenly Father.
I know from experience that when we are going through a tough time in our lives, sometimes all we need is that phone call from a friend, just wanting to see how things are with us, and offering love, guidance, assistance and an uplifting message to shine a light before us in the darkness.

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Being of Light

We all are Children of God, so how could we not be amazing beings of light. Even in the darkness we sometimes feel, we always have the light of Christ that we can allow to lead us.
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Monday, November 23, 2009

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Friday, November 20, 2009

Saturday, November 14, 2009


I was reading this book the other day (The Ultimate Career by Daryl Hoole) for the second time, and there was a quote that really stood out to me. I didn't seem to catch it the first time, but I guess it's more applicable to me now.
"Fear is an opposition to Faith"
Wow! How much more clear can it be? If there is fear, there can't be Faith. When we have faith in the Lord, ALL things are possible, so why do we still fear?
When we have fear, we get to overcome it by trusting in the Lord, and having Faith in Him.

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Who Are We More Like?

This past Sunday, both my husband and I were asked to speak in church. I was asked to speak on moral discipline, and he was to speak on 1 Nephi 3:7. This one was a hard talk for me to give, because I realized how worried I was about offending people, instead of speaking of our lack of discipline as a society as well as in the church. How often do we seek to know the truth, even when it may not agree with our current lifestyle? Here is what my talk was (not word for word of course, but this is what I started with)
What standards did the Lord set for us? What standards does the world live by? Where are we in the spectrum of worldly standards and the Lord's standards?

Are we living the best that we can and progressing, or are we happy to sit back where we are and not move forward because, after all, we aren’t going backwards like the rest of the world. So really, it’s like we are being more righteous, even though really the world is just becoming more wicked. Is that really enough?

Elder D. Todd Christofferson said in conference: Moral discipline is the consistent exercise of agency to choose the right because it is right, even when it’s hard.

In an interview with Larry King President Hinckley said: “we expect things of our people. We expect them to do things. We expect them to measure up to certain standards. It isn't always easy to be a member of this church. It's demanding. But it's wonderfully fruitful and has a tremendous affect upon people.”

But how well do we pay attention to what the standards and expectations are?

All of us follow the commandment that we shall not kill, but how about the little things? We are taught to follow the words of the prophet, that what is said through the prophets is directly from the Lord. So what about when the prophet says to do home teaching and visiting teaching, or when he says not to drink caffeine, watch inappropriate movies, listen to inappropriate music, date before 16? Those are small things that we may not consider commandments for whatever reason, but in fact has been told to us from the prophets that are higher standards for us to follow. So how are we doing on those? Do we justify the things we are taught, and look for ways around them?

For example, many people have debated the caffeine issue for years, I remember President Hinckley saying not to drink caffeine in an interview with Larry King back in 1998 (which I found the transcript of online) and some say that until it is forbidden they will continue to drink sodas with caffeine. So instead of looking it up for themselves, they choose to take it as innocence by ignorance. It made me realize even more, how we look for specifics to be commandments, but general statements such as no caffeine, is just a guideline if we want to follow it.

What about not dating before the age of 16? There are many parents who think it’s cute that their child has a boyfriend or girlfriend before, that they are hanging out or just friends so that it’s ok. But look at how many of the youth, both in and out of the church have issues with morality because they are spending so much time alone with the opposite sex. There is a reason that the prophets have said not to date before 16, and even then to group date. It is to save us from the temptations.

We are reminded every month to do our home teaching, visiting teaching, or give service. But how often are the reporting numbers less than 100%? Does drinking caffeine, or not doing service or home and visiting teaching mean that we are unworthy to hold a temple recommend? No. But it is a higher standard that we as members of the church are given to live by.

All of these examples may be hard for us to do, because the rest of the world does worse, so at least we are better than them. But it is not enough!

Society has become desensitized by tv, movies and music. So much that it sends the message that not only is it not a big deal to live with the opposite sex, to lie, and to use vulgar language, but it is acceptable and normal. But it is not so.

We are required to raise our standards continually so that we can be an example to the rest of the world. We can show society that there are better ways to live and be happy. We are given the “plan of happiness” to come to earth, and show our Heavenly Father how much we love him. But society’s lack of respect to each other shows a lack of respect to Him.

Society tells us that truth is relative, I have my own truth, and you have yours. There is no such thing as sin, it’s a moral judgment. But that is why society is failing. A columnist in the Deseret News back in April said “Policemen and laws can never replace customs, traditions and moral values as a means for regulating human behavior. At best, the police and criminal justice system are the last desperate line of defense for a civilized society. Our increased reliance on laws to regulate behavior is a measure of how uncivilized we’ve become.”

Society will continue to fail until we make a change, and call sin what it is, sin. Not a moral judgment. We must teach it in our homes, starting with the little things, to raise a generation of strong people who are willing to stand up to a failing society, and be an example in the effort to change it. Elder Christofferson said that it requires more than an occasional reference to one or another gospel principle, that there must be constant teaching, mostly by example. He said that “the intelligent use of agency requires knowledge of the truth, of things as they really are”. And that “seeking to be neutral about the gospel is, in reality, to reject the existence of God and His authority”.

President Boyd K Packer said “we do not set the standards, but we are commanded to teach them and maintain them. In the church, one is not condemned for tendencies or temptations. One is held accountable for transgression”. Just because we are tempted to do something that doesn’t meet our standards or morals, doesn’t meant that we have to give in to the temptation. We may want to, after all that is why it’s called a temptation, but we don’t have to. We can choose which standard we are going to live up to. Will we choose the world’s standard or will we choose the Lord’s standard. We must make our descisions based on what we know is right, and not allow the world to change our moral discipline, to their standards.

My husband spoke on 1 Nephi 3:7. The basics of his talk (since I don't have his notes) was that many people compare members of the church to Nephi, and non members to Laman and Lemuel. But in reality, all of them left their homes, they all endured the same struggles, but they all delt with it differently. Laman and Lemuel chose to complain the entire time, while Nephi did it without complaint. It is more accurate that they all represented the members of the church, because there are members who go and do willingly, and those who complain the whole time. Such as in home teaching, do we do it willingly, or wait and do it at the last second if we do it at all. (I'm not doing his talk justice)

Basically all of the lessons in our ward on Sunday in Sacrament, Priesthood and Relief Society, was that we can and should be doing better everyday.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

General Conference Talks

I am so grateful for the blessing of being able to watch General Conference from my living room. It was such an uplifting conference with so many great messages. I know that each of us can pick up on different themes throughout the talks, and on Saturday I sure picked up on my own. In every talk I heard the speaker talk about listening to the promptings of the Spirit, or speak about patience. (I can't wait to get the Ensign from the conference so I can see if they really said it each time, or if it was the spirit prompting me!)
So I thought that I would just share what stood out to me in each talk. It's only a few thoughts from each one, and its what touched me (besides listening to the Spirit and patience), even if it isn't what stood out to you.

Richard G Scott
  • The Holy Ghost is for our peace & happiness, use it regularly by excersizing faith.
  • The Lord will not force you to learn.
  • Strong emotions can overcome the promptings of the Spirit.
Vicki E Matsumori
  • Provide an environment where the Spirit can be found.
Whitney Clayton
  • Work is a continual blessing for our sake (meaning trials)
Russell T Osguthorpe
  • When we recieve the truth, we wil be saved by it.
  • Aim higher than you think is possible, then rely on the Lord for the things we think to be impossible.
  • "Close the manual" when inspiration comes (when inspired, you don't have to follow what is "written out" for you).
David A Bednar
  • Express love & show it frequently.
  • Bear testimony and live it.
  • Be consistant.
  • Hypocracy in our lives weaken the foundation of a great work.
Dieter F Uctdorf
  • Love should be the center of ALL we do. It is the bond that repairs, it overcomes hate.
  • What we love determines what we seek, what we seek determines who we do, what we do determines who we are.
Dallin H Oaks
  • The love of God does NOT supercede his commandments.
  • Real love does not support self destructive behavior.
Robert D Hales
  • The Spirit cannot be with us when we are contentous or full of doubt.
  • Knowledge through the Spirit is undeniable.
Jorge F Zeballos
  • It is possible to acheive the impossible in this life
Tad R Callister
  • Joseph Smith was an instrument in God's hand, don't get caught up in the small questions based on historical quest.
Kent D Watson
  • Be dilligent in seeking righteous goals.
  • Be as temered glass, building up strength of Spirit.
  • Security from our families comes from self control.
Neil L Andersen
  • If you are striving to repent, then you are in the process.
  • Repentance always means that there is greater happiness ahead
Boyd K Packer
  • Everyone of us is provided with the light of Christ.
  • Spiritual remedy for any problem can be found.
Henry B Eyring
  • We can & must expect to become better.
  • It is love of God that will lead us to obey His commandments.
  • Looking at Christ's attributes show us that ALL of us have room for improvements.
L Tom Perry
  • Review the lessons of the past to prepare for the future.
  • The same principles of the past can be applied now.
H David Burton
  • Virtuous traits can loosen Satans grasp on society.
  • Remember the "ity" virtues, do not join in the virtue malay.
Ann M Dibb
  • Heavenly Father has given us tools (prayer, scriptures, prophets & the Holy Ghost) to get through this life. We must choose to use them.
Russell M Nelson
  • We can access Heaven without hardware, software or monthly service fees.
  • To access info from Heaven, we must have faith & real intent, and study it out.
President Thomas S Monson
  • What did you do for someone today? Do a good turn daily.
  • Small acts are still service.
Jeffrey R Holland
  • Even the elect can be decieved, but we are given council & protection against it.
  • God provides safety.
  • Faith in the Lord will not decieve.
Quentin L Cook
  • Our priorities must remain spiritual
Brent H Nielson
  • The rising generation is the fulfillment of prophecy.
Dale G Renlund
  • Don't let your spiritual heart become hardened.
  • Hold covenants tightly.
Michael T Ringwood
  • Quality of conversion leads to laying down hatred & willingness to believe.
  • Allow it to be easy to learn & follow Christ.
Joseph W Sitati
  • Serve the Lord & be free from bondage.
D Todd Christofferson
  • Laws cannot replace morals, and only morals can fix society.
  • Stand with those who demonstrate virtue.
President Thomas S Monson
  • Live the commandments & we can survive this time of wickedness.
  • Be a better person.

Feel free to let me know what you got out of the talks durring conference.

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Sunday, September 27, 2009

We Are Not Alone

The world says that we don't need anyone, that we can do it all alone, because after all, the only person in the world you can count on is yourself. But when we are experiencing trials in our life and we are feeling alone, we don't have to. The Lord has experienced every pain that we have and more. He had nobody to be there for him, but we do. We have Him. If we allow him into our hearts and lean on him, we will be made stronger. We are given trials to test us and see how we handle them. We can choose to be bitter and pull away, or we can give more dedication to service and not give into the loneliness and try to rely on ourselves alone, but allow the Lord to be there to comfort us in our trials.
There have been times in my life where I have felt completely alone, with my husband being out of town, having no friends around, feeling as though there was nobody to talk to about the loneliness that I was experiencing. But it has been in those times that I have been the closest to the Lord. By reading scriptures, I have read about people long ago who have experienced loss, pain, sorrow, and fear, the greatest of which being Jesus Christ who suffered for all beyond my comprehension, and I have come to draw closer to Him. As well as see that I am still better off than many in the scriptures who suffer all kinds of pains, like Job. Or the loneliness that Moroni must have felt wandering alone for many years. My pain, while great in my limited knowledge and experience, is small in comparison to those pains that the Savior felt. And I have the privilege to have Him to comfort me when I desire comfort, where He was completely alone without even Heavenly Father in his moment of greatest pain. I am so greatful for the atonement and the blessing that it is in my life to know that not only can I be forgiven, but that I can receive the Lord's comfort when I'm struggling with life's challenges.